dissabte, 21 de novembre del 2015

CHOCOLATE CAKE IN A MUG: healthy and easy

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to show you how to preparate this super easy, healthy and delicious recipie. 

If you want to learn how to do it, keep reading.

-1 egg
-2 tbsp. of milk
-2 tbps. of sugar
-2 tbsp. of wholemeal flour
-1 tbsp. of olive oil
-1 tbsp. of cocoa

REMEMBER!: 1tbsp. = 15ml. (same size as a normal spoon) 

1. Put all the wet ingredients (egg, milk and oil) into a mug and stir.

2. Now it's time for the dry ingredients. Add the sugar and mix and then add the flour and the cocoa carrefully and mix everything.

3. Put it in the microwave for 2 minutes and that's all!

This is the final resoult. Hope you like it and try it.

Gmail: margaamengual18@gmail.com
Instagram: marga.amengual https://www.instagram.com/marga.amengual/

Lots of love, Marga.

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