dimarts, 15 de desembre del 2015

MultiVitamin Liquefied (And super Yummy)

Hi everyone!

I'm back with another super healthy recipie! As all you know, fruits are super healthy and this recipie shows you how to do this really easy liquefied that is a bomb of vitamins. That's because the blender takes the fiber off from the fruits and that allows your body absorb the vitamins easily and quickly.

- 1 apple
- 1-2 orenges
- 2 carrots

1. Clean all the fruits, peel the oranges and cut the apple and the carrots in little slices (You don't have to peel them)

2. Put all the ingredients into the blender.

3. You'll have this super delicious juice. Drink it at the moment because if you keep it in the fridge, the vitamines get oxidated.

Hope you like it and I'll see you soon.

Lots of Love, Marga.

dissabte, 12 de desembre del 2015

How to do CRESPELLS: From Mallorca.

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to show you a recipie from my land. Since I was a child I've loved it and I'm still. I thought it could be a good idea to show you how to do it because is very easy, super yummy and for the Christmas season.

-330gr of flour
-100gr of powdered sugar
-100gr of lard
-1 yolk
-60ml of orange juice
-30ml of olive oil

1. Mix all the ingredients (except milk) into a big bowl.

2. Add half of the flour and then add the other half.

3. Roll out the dough.

4. Cut shapes of the dough with cookie cutters.

5.Place them into an oven plate and cook them for about 20min or until they get a light brown colour.

And this is the final resoult! Hope you like it and subscribe to my blog!

dimecres, 9 de desembre del 2015

BLOGMAS: DIY Christmas Cards

Hi everyone!


Today is my second day of blogmas and I'm really excited about this. Last Monday I met with my friend Maria del Mar and we decided to do Christmas Cards for our friends. This cards are super cheap and easy. I'm going to show you how I did my card and Maria del Mar is going to show you how she did hers on her blog tennsblog. Yes! She has a blog too, there she talks about teens. It's super interesting! 

- 1 cardboard 
- Washi Tape (Decorated tape) If they have similars colors it will look better.
- A black pen

(If you don't want to use this materials, or you don't have them, you can use another ones)

As you probably have seen with the materials list, this DIY will be very easy to do.
1. Take all you materials! You don't have to use the same ones as me and you can add another ones.

2. Fold the cardboard in half.

3. Stick the Wasi Tape on the cacrdboard as the shape of a Christmas tree.

4. Add a bright star on the top.

5. Write a letter inside the letter for you family, friends or who you want to give it to.

And that's all! But before these one, I did another one but I didn't liked the final resoult because I made some mistakes and it looked like a mess so on the last moment I decided to do the one that I've showed you how to do it, but I' think it's a good idea to show you the other one and you can get inspired.

I just cutted three triangles of felt and sticked them to the cardboard.

Hope you liked it and I'll see you on Friday.

Lots of Love, Marga.

dilluns, 7 de desembre del 2015

BLOGMAS: 5 Christmas Songs you won't can stop listening.

Hi everyone!


As I promised you, today I start my Blogmas. My idea is that for two weeks I'm going to post each Monday, Wednesday and Friday Christmas ideas as Recipies, DIYs, Decorations...
Today I want to show you my 5 favourite Christmas songs, there are a lot of but I've choosed the ones that I like the most and the ones that I can't stop listening.

1. All I want for Christmas is you
I know, I know... Everybody knows this song. Is one of the most typical song. The original version is from Mariah Carey and it released on 2009, but on 2011 Justin Bieber sang the same song with Maria Carey and I really like the version.

2. Last Christmas
The original version is from Wham! that released on 2009 but I really like much more the Taylor Swift's version that she did on 2012. I think the music is much better.

3. Happy Xmas
This song is from John Lennon and I think I discovered it two years ago and since that moment I haven't stopped listening it (On Summer too), this song is soo beautiful and the letter...What can I say? I think is better to you listen it.

4. Santa tell me
Yes, Ariana Grande. She brought this song to the world last year and it has a letter that I can't stop singing... 

5. Shake up Christmas
This song is from Train and it came out in 2010. I remember that when I was younger while I was in the car with my mum I heard this song a lot of times and now I know the letter. One of my favourites withouth any doubts.

Hope you like this type of posts, I love changing the routine. Also I'm trying very hard to improve this blog, so, if you like it, please subscribe.

Gmail: margaamengual18@gmail.com
Instagram: marga.amengual https://www.instagram.com/marga.amengual/

Lots of Love, Marga.

dissabte, 5 de desembre del 2015

Cheese-Ham Rolls

Hi everyone!

The other day I didn't ate a lot for lunch and almost 1 hour later I was hungry and I didn't knew what to eat so I decided to prepare this super easy and quick rolls.

They are super quickly, cheap and delicious and you can prepare them whenever you want. Let's go with the recipie:

- 3 slices of ham
- 3 slices of cheese
- 1 egg/milk, to soak the rolls (I used and egg white)
- bread crumbs


1. Take a slice of ham and put a slice of cheese on and roll it.

1.2 If the cheese excells the ham, cut it so it doesn't.

2. Soak the rolls with the egg.

3. And then batter it in bread crumbs.

4. Once you have the three rolls preparated, put them in a hot pan with some olive oil and cook it for about 3min. each side or until the cheese is melted.

This is the final resoult. If you want, once they're cooked you can dip them in some sauce or just eat them like this.

Hope you like the recipie. I'll see you in my next post

Gmail: margaamengual18@gmail.com
Instagram: marga.amengual https://www.instagram.com/marga.amengual/

Lots of love, Marga.

dijous, 3 de desembre del 2015

Sauteed veggies: light dinner.

Hi guys!

Today I want to share with you a delicious recipie that my dad prepeared for you all, but first, I want to talk a little bit with you.

It is almost Christmas and I've got lots of ideas for this blog. When I first started it, apart of preparing recipies, I also wanted to do special posts like room decoration, DIYs and other stuff. I think that now is the perfect moment to start, so next week I'm going to start my "BLOGMAS". I think it's better to explain what I'm going to do on Monday, which is the day that I'm going to start the Blogmas!! Stay tuned and don't miss anything.

Now let's go to the recipie; you know that I love having veggies for dinner so the other day my dad cooked this super healthy recipie. Let's go with the ingredients:

(You can use the ingredients you want, this is just for guide you)
- 2 green peppers
- 2 potatoes
- 1 onion
- 1 carrot
- 3 garlic
- 1/2 eggplant
- 1/4 of a medium cauliflower
- Some cheese
- A little bit of olive oil
- Spices you want (I used salt, black pepper, nutmeg and curcuma).


1. Cut all the ingredients in little pieces.

2. In a warm pan put the ones that need more time to cook at the begining and keep ading the other ones. Don't add the cheese.

(Add the garlic the last one)

3. When it's almos cooked, add the spices and mix.

4. Add the cheese you want (I like to use a salty one and add a lot)

5. And this is the final resoult. My dad gave it to me like this:

Hope you like and try it.

Gmail: margaamengual18@gmail.com
Instagram: marga.amengual https://www.instagram.com/marga.amengual/

Lots of love, Marga.

diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Apple iced smoothie/Ice creams

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to show you how to preparate an Iced Smoothie and with the same ingredients you can do Ice Creams.

- 2 apples
- 2 lemons
- 150gr. of brown sugar
- 800gr. of ice
- 300ml. of water

1.Peel the lemons and the apples and cut them in slices.

2.Put them in the blender and add the other ingredients.

3.Blend everything until it's well combined and you will have a delicious smoothie.


4.If you don't drink it all you can make ice creams with the same mixture. 

And that's all! Hope you like it and try it.

Lots of Love, Marga.

Gmail: margaamengual18@gmail.com
Instagram: marga.amengual https://www.instagram.com/marga.amengual/

dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015

How to do your own Nutella: Hazelnut cream.

Hi everybody!

Today I'm going to show you how to preparate a delicious recipie which is a hazelnut cream super healthy!

100g of hazelnuts
50g of coconut oil
25g of cocoa
50g of brown sugar
100ml of milk (I used soy milk)
1tbsp. of vainilla extract (Opcional)

As always my ingredients were ecological and I used panela, which is another type of sugar. Anyways you can use the type of ingredients you want.

1. Put the hazelnuts in a food processor and grind it.

2. Add the other ingredients and mix; if the coconut oil is solid, melt it.

3. Put the mixture in a jar.

This is the final resoult! Hope you like it and try it!

Gmail: margaamengual18@gmail.com
Instagram: marga.amengual https://www.instagram.com/marga.amengual/

Lots of Love, Marga.

dissabte, 21 de novembre del 2015

CHOCOLATE CAKE IN A MUG: healthy and easy

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to show you how to preparate this super easy, healthy and delicious recipie. 

If you want to learn how to do it, keep reading.

-1 egg
-2 tbsp. of milk
-2 tbps. of sugar
-2 tbsp. of wholemeal flour
-1 tbsp. of olive oil
-1 tbsp. of cocoa

REMEMBER!: 1tbsp. = 15ml. (same size as a normal spoon) 

1. Put all the wet ingredients (egg, milk and oil) into a mug and stir.

2. Now it's time for the dry ingredients. Add the sugar and mix and then add the flour and the cocoa carrefully and mix everything.

3. Put it in the microwave for 2 minutes and that's all!

This is the final resoult. Hope you like it and try it.

Gmail: margaamengual18@gmail.com
Instagram: marga.amengual https://www.instagram.com/marga.amengual/

Lots of love, Marga.