dimecres, 9 de desembre del 2015

BLOGMAS: DIY Christmas Cards

Hi everyone!


Today is my second day of blogmas and I'm really excited about this. Last Monday I met with my friend Maria del Mar and we decided to do Christmas Cards for our friends. This cards are super cheap and easy. I'm going to show you how I did my card and Maria del Mar is going to show you how she did hers on her blog tennsblog. Yes! She has a blog too, there she talks about teens. It's super interesting! 

- 1 cardboard 
- Washi Tape (Decorated tape) If they have similars colors it will look better.
- A black pen

(If you don't want to use this materials, or you don't have them, you can use another ones)

As you probably have seen with the materials list, this DIY will be very easy to do.
1. Take all you materials! You don't have to use the same ones as me and you can add another ones.

2. Fold the cardboard in half.

3. Stick the Wasi Tape on the cacrdboard as the shape of a Christmas tree.

4. Add a bright star on the top.

5. Write a letter inside the letter for you family, friends or who you want to give it to.

And that's all! But before these one, I did another one but I didn't liked the final resoult because I made some mistakes and it looked like a mess so on the last moment I decided to do the one that I've showed you how to do it, but I' think it's a good idea to show you the other one and you can get inspired.

I just cutted three triangles of felt and sticked them to the cardboard.

Hope you liked it and I'll see you on Friday.

Lots of Love, Marga.

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