dissabte, 12 de desembre del 2015

How to do CRESPELLS: From Mallorca.

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to show you a recipie from my land. Since I was a child I've loved it and I'm still. I thought it could be a good idea to show you how to do it because is very easy, super yummy and for the Christmas season.

-330gr of flour
-100gr of powdered sugar
-100gr of lard
-1 yolk
-60ml of orange juice
-30ml of olive oil

1. Mix all the ingredients (except milk) into a big bowl.

2. Add half of the flour and then add the other half.

3. Roll out the dough.

4. Cut shapes of the dough with cookie cutters.

5.Place them into an oven plate and cook them for about 20min or until they get a light brown colour.

And this is the final resoult! Hope you like it and subscribe to my blog!

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