dissabte, 5 de desembre del 2015

Cheese-Ham Rolls

Hi everyone!

The other day I didn't ate a lot for lunch and almost 1 hour later I was hungry and I didn't knew what to eat so I decided to prepare this super easy and quick rolls.

They are super quickly, cheap and delicious and you can prepare them whenever you want. Let's go with the recipie:

- 3 slices of ham
- 3 slices of cheese
- 1 egg/milk, to soak the rolls (I used and egg white)
- bread crumbs


1. Take a slice of ham and put a slice of cheese on and roll it.

1.2 If the cheese excells the ham, cut it so it doesn't.

2. Soak the rolls with the egg.

3. And then batter it in bread crumbs.

4. Once you have the three rolls preparated, put them in a hot pan with some olive oil and cook it for about 3min. each side or until the cheese is melted.

This is the final resoult. If you want, once they're cooked you can dip them in some sauce or just eat them like this.

Hope you like the recipie. I'll see you in my next post

Gmail: margaamengual18@gmail.com
Instagram: marga.amengual https://www.instagram.com/marga.amengual/

Lots of love, Marga.

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